The highlands of Yunnan have a mild, subtropical climate even at high altitudes. The slopes are mostly south-facing, and are therefore more heavily influenced by the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. Traditionally, various large-leaf cultivars are grown in Yunnan, some of which go back to very old tea plants
Home to more than 160 000 trees, the tea garden is located at over 1500m in the Lincang region of southwestern Yunnan, far from any major cities or industry. The mountainous, wooded area in which the tea garden is embedded is so idyllic that it has been designated a tourist recreation zone. Furthermore, the tea garden was the very first of its kind in China to be accepted as a member of the Rainforest Alliance, which is committed to the sustainable protection of forests and biodiversity.
Only the best young buds and first two leaves are selected for this tea, resulting in only a few kilos produced each year. The buds are first pre-wilted indoors using a secret process and then sun-dried the traditional way.
Single Origin
This tea is sourced directly from one tea farm in Lincang, Yunnan.