Tie Guan Yin
Nong Xiang Organic

Premium 94 P.

A classic semi-oxidised and roasted Tie Guan Yin Oolong with fruity notes of blackberry from the renowned tea region of Fujian, China. Hand-picked, certified organic and cultivated without pesticides.
Character Light, creamy, waffles, roasted almonds, blackberries
Tea Farm Small local farm specialising in organic cultivation of various teas
Terroir Fujian, China
Harvest 1st Spring 2022
Cultivar Tie Guan Yin (鐵觀音)
Altitude 650-700m above sea level
Oxidation 50-60%
Roasting Oven-roasted at 120°C for 90 min
Processing Sun-wilting, indoor cooling, rolling & drying, oxidation, air & oven drying, sorting, roasting
Certification EU organic
Grade 94/100 P. (Oolong category) – Premium

Delivery : 1–3 business days

Incl. VAT, excl. shipping

€218.00 / 1kg
In stock

Tea Farm

In 2018, the tea farm acquired a remote piece of forest that completely burned down due to lightning. On this natural wasteland they began cultivating tea, mainly Tie Guan Yin, but also organic black and white teas. The unique circumstances of this location, including the low temperatures, have kept harmful insects at bay as well as significantly reducing the risk of disease from viruses or fungi. The area therefore offers ideal conditions for organic cultivation.

The tea plants are harvested no more than twice a year to ensure optimal growth, vitality and resilience, while chickens and ducks roam the fields to feast on any pests. The tea farmer himself keeps track of the condition and maturity of the plants by plucking a few leaves and eating them. This dedication to organic farming and the close connection to nature can be tasted in every sip of their delicious tea.



From the very first sip this classic Tie Guan Yin entices with strong roasted notes and a slightly sweet creaminess reminiscent of waffles, caramelised sugar and roasted almonds. The aftertaste develops quickly into a wonderfully fresh and faintly tart taste of blackberries, which intensifies with each infusion along with the roasted notes. This well balanced Tie Guan Yin is an excellent introduction to the rich complexity of top-quality Oolongs.


Lightly rolled hemispherical leaf (Ban Qiu Xing 半球狀)


Dark orange like wild honey or amber, lighter yellow in later infusions


Oolong is a partially oxidised Chinese tea that comes in an enormous range of styles and flavours depending on the terroir and how it is processed. The oxidation levels of Oolong vary from light (10–29%) to medium (30–60%) and heavy (up to 70%), which puts it somewhere between a green tea (lightly oxidised) and black tea (fully oxidised). On top of this, Oolong can then be roasted for added depth. The finest Oolongs are generally considered to be produced in Taiwan and the southern part of China around Fujian province.

Laboratory Tests

We go to great lengths to identify the finest organic tea farms across the world’s most celebrated terroirs. All our teas are sourced directly from the farmer and, with a few exceptions, are certified organic or come from pesticide-free farms. Each batch of tea for every harvest is tested for pesticides and other pollutants in an independent German lab to ensure they meet our strict quality standards as well as HACCP food safety requirements.

Yoshi En

Premium Organic Teas

Our comprehensive portfolio focuses on organic, single-origin teas sourced directly from renowned farms. We believe in creating partnerships with farmers who share our values and are committed to sustainable, responsible tea cultivation. Thanks to these strong relationships our exciting range is constantly growing and evolving. As an international team of dedicated and passionate tea experts, we are committed to preserving centuries-old tea culture while ensuring it remains relevant and continues to bring joy in the present. About Yoshi En.

Cultivation & Processing

A variety of Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin comes in two forms: the traditional, more oxidised Chuan Tong (傳統) style that is withered at room temperature, and the modern, lighter Qing Xiang (清香) which is less oxidised due to withering at cooler temperatures. As typical of Oolong teas, the leaves are left to grow a little larger than for green teas, with only the bud and first three leaves picked by hand, which are then withered in the sun to remove moisture and initiate oxidation. Further withering is carried out indoors where the leaves are also tossed and shaken to break down the cell walls and facilitate oxidation – which reduces bitterness and enhances flavour. Once the desired level of oxidation is achieved, the leaves are then heat-treated (aka 'kill green' or 'fixing') to prevent further oxidation. The leaves are then rolled to release the oils and take on the characteristic hemispherical shape of Tie Guan Yin. Finally, the leaves may be roasted and scented before they are dried.

Organic Certification



Steep 3 heaped tsp in 200–300ml of 80–90°C water for 1–1½ minutes.


Packed in a high-quality, airtight, resealable standing zipper pouch with 9 protective layers to preserve flavour and prevent oxidation. After opening, press out as much air as possible when snapping shut. Alternatively place tea leaves in a stylish Chazutsu tea caddy with double lid to keep them fresher for even longer.

Recommended Teapot

Oolong tea is traditionally brewed in small quantities in a Gaiwan or a glass teapot with ample room for the leaves to unfurl as they steep. For an especially aromatic infusion, we recommend a Yixing teapot made from natural clay.

Test results

We find it very important that our teas are pure and produced in a way that respects the environment. For this reason, each one of our teas is tested for pesticide residues by an independent laboratory, the results of which can be found here. Some of our teas are also tested for specific nutritional compounds, in which case the test results are also published here.

See tests

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