We source our lemon balm directly from a specialised tea farm in the Austrian alps that cultivates its herbs according to strict organic standards.
The landscape of the alpine Lavant Valley is one of the most beautiful in southern Austria. The advantageous climatic conditions foster the cultivation of fruit trees for which the region is well-known. While the Lavant Valley is characterised in the spring by the drifting scent of thousands of blossoms, in the summer the mountain meadows are covered by a red carpet of blooming alpine roses.
Nestled between the Koralpe and Saualpe mountain ranges, this southern alpine region located at 800-1,000m elevations is ideally suited for the cultivation of several different mountain herbs that flourish across the meadows. The herbs are grown according to organic standards and completely without the use of chemicals.
Cultivation is largely only possible by hand, and the harvest is performed in part by hand and in part with machinery. Due to the climatic conditions, irrigation is not necessary. Within 1-2 hours after harvest, the herbs are gently dried in a cabinet dryer at 40°C for 12-24 hours. Thereafter the herbs are roughly cut and packaged. The dried herbs are not sprayed, light-treated, or processed further.
Organic Certification