

A small and sturdy teacup with a smooth matte black to brown ombre finish, creating a subtle light and shadow effect. Handcrafted from traditional Nixing clay in Qinzhou, China, this teacup is perfect for serving all kinds of Chinese tea and more.
Product Teacup, brown ombre
Origin Qinzhou, Guangxi province, China
Material Nixing clay
Volume 80ml
Dimensions Ø5.5 x 3.75cm

Each item is handmade and unique therefore measurements are approximate and colours may vary


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Nixing Clay 坭興陶

Boasting a 1300 year old history, Nixing – along with Yixing, Jianshui and Rongchang – is one of the four celebrated styles of traditional Chinese pottery. Produced in Qinzhou, Guangxi province, Nixing wares are made from a mixture of two clays dug from either side of the Qinjiang river banks. Baked unglazed at high temperatures of around 1200°C, the mineral-rich clay takes on hues ranging from the characteristic deep copper brown to blue-greys and black. Nixing ceramics are then often polished to reveal an incredibly smooth matte surface that is particularly suited to decorative carving. With the exception of fruit and intense herbal teas, teapots made from Nixing clay are suitable for all types of tea, slightly rounding off the taste for a less astringent and more harmonious flavour profile.

Pin Ming Bei 品茗杯

Legendary Chinese tea master, Lu Yu (733-804), aka “the Sage of Tea”, regarded frugality and restraint as essential to the art of the tea connoisseur. Few tea accessories encapsulate these qualities quite as effectively as the tiny Pin Ming Bei cup (literally “tasting tea cup”) designed for sipping, rather than gulping, thereby encouraging the user to focus on and savour the taste of the tea. This is especially pertinent for fine Chinese teas that subtly evolve with each infusion, taking the drinker on a flavour journey. Full-bodied Oolong teas in particular, with a stronger taste and aroma, are best enjoyed in small sips.


Wash by hand with warm water and a soft cloth or sponge, using a mild washing-up liquid if necessary. Do not put in the dishwasher or microwave.

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