The region of Aichi, alongside Uji and Hoshino, is one of the best matcha cultivation regions in Japan. The Ishikawa family produces mainly organic matcha teas at their northern fields that are at an unusually high elevation of 650m. They use these conditions to their advantage, as the area is home to fewer pests. The woods that surround the fields prevent pesticide drift from other farms, and the Ishikawas also produce their own natural and fermented fertiliser, in order to maintain their high organic standards. The farm has been certified organic since 1995.For shading, the Ishikawas have developed 3m high tana trellises, which are the tallest in Japan. Their matcha is also locally stone-milled following traditional methods.
Single Origin
This tea is exclusively sourced from the above mentioned tea farm in Aichi. Sourced directly from the tea farmer, who prepares the tea for us in airtight packages.