

Appreciate all the subtle flavours of fine Chinese teas with this charming cup in a bold blue and white style. Handcrafted in Jingdezhen: the birthplace of porcelain, his cup is hand-painted with the Chinese characters for Guanzizai, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, together with a passage from the popular Heart Sutra. Pair with the Guanzizai Gaiwan and Hu Cheng teapot stand.
Item Teacup
Origin Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China
Dimensions Ø5cm x H4.7cm
Volume 45ml
Material Porcelain
Decoration 觀自在

Each item is handmade and unique, therefore size and brushstokes will vary slightly


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Jingdezhen 景德鎮

The birthplace of porcelain, Jingdezhen has been producing the finest Chinese ceramics for over a thousand years and was home to some of China’s most important imperial kilns. Surrounded by breathtaking nature in the northeastern corner of Jiangxi province, the remoteness of the small city has helped preserve age-old traditions that are still in practice to this day. When Europeans first encountered Chinese porcelain back in the 14th century, they concluded that this ethereal yet solid "white gold" could only have been made by magic. The secret? Kaolin: the soft white clay essential to manufacturing porcelain, named after the Gaoling mountain in Jingdezhen where this resource was available in abundance.

Pin Ming Bei

The legendary Chinese tea master Lu Yu (733–804), aka "the Sage of Tea", regarded frugality and restraint as essential to the art of the tea connoisseur. Few tea accessories encapsulate these qualities quite as effectively as the tiny Pin Ming Bei cup (literally "tasting tea cup") designed for sipping, rather than gulping, thereby encouraging the user to focus on and savour the taste of the tea. This is especially pertinent for fine Chinese teas that subtly evolve with each infusion, taking the drinker on a flavour journey. Full-bodied oolong teas in particular, with a stronger taste and aroma, are best enjoyed in small sips.

Qinghua 青花

Probably the most recognised and enduring of ceramic styles, blue and white pottery, known as Qinghua in Chinese (literally "blue flowers/patterns") was a revolutionary product in 14th century Jingdezhen. Traces of blue and white wares can be found as far back as the Tang dynasty (618-907) but it wasn’t until the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) that potters in Jingdezhen perfected the clay and firing technology, which allowed for the mass production of quality Qinghua. The key ingredient in the vibrant blue hue is cobalt oxide: one of the very few pigments that can withstand the high firing temperatures of porcelain. This remarkably stable pigment was initially imported from Persia and is applied under the glaze before baking. Although blue and white wares came to be produced elsewhere in China — and around the world! — those from Jingdezhen are prized for their unmatched craftsmanship.

Qinghua 青花

Der wohl bekannteste und bis zum heutigen Tag ungebrochen beliebte Keramikstil, die blau-weiße Keramik (Chinesisch: Qing Hua = "blaue Blumen/Muster"), war im Jingdezhen des 14. Jahrhundert ein geradezu revolutionäres Produkt. Erste Spuren blau-weißer Keramik lassen sich zwar bereits bis in die Tang-Dynastie (618-907) zurückverfolgen, erst in der Yuan-Dynastie (1279-1368) allerdings begannen die Töpfer in Jingdezhen den Ton und die spezielle Brenntechnik so zu perfektionieren, dass eine gesteigerte Produktion hochwertigen Qinghua Porzellans erst richtig möglich wurde. Hauptbestandteil des leuchtend-blauen Farbtons ist Kobaltoxid, eines der wenigen Pigmente, die den hohen Brenntemperaturen von Porzellan standhalten. Das bemerkenswert stabile Pigment wurde ursprünglich aus Persien importiert und wird vor dem Brennen unter die Glasur aufgetragen. Obwohl die Herstellung blau-weißen Porzellan mittlerweile auch in vielen anderen Ländern als China erfolgt, gilt das Original aus Jingdezhen bis heute zum Wertvollsten seiner Art.


Porcelain is very easy to care for and can simply be washed by hand with warm water and washing-up liquid after use. Unlike unglazed ceramics, such as Yixing clay, glazed porcelain does not absorb odours or flavours and so can be used with different teas each time.

Guanzizai 觀自在

The Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, Guanzizai (also known as Guanyin or Guanshiyin) is a Chinese translation of the Sanskrit 'Avalokiteśvara': "one who can observe unimpeded". This version of her name appears in the popular Heart Sutra that deals with the concept of emptiness and that nothing is permanent. Guanzizai can hold all sentient beings in her heart as she understands (觀 "guan") this emptiness and helps them to attain the great freedom (自在 "zizai") that comes with letting go of worldly attachments.

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