The region around the famous Yellow Mountains (Huangshan) with its imposing cliff formations and steep gorges features both fabulous tea gardens as well as tourist destinations for hikers. The air is especially clean and the landscape untouched by industry. Vegetation covers the mountains up to great heights and offers a rich habitat for many wild animals. The climate is characterised by monsoons, on which the local tea farming thrives. The steep slopes offer excellent drainage, while nourishing fog drifts off of the many rivers flowing through the mountains. The organic tea farm distinguishes itself via the exceptionally clean air as well as the nutritious soil. The wet climate and moderate temperatures offer ideal conditions for the tea plants, which develop rich aromas and lush, nutrient-rich leaves. The maofeng is one of the least processed green teas: the hand-picked leaves are immediately air-dried after harvest and briefly roasted in a pan to stop oxidation (kill green). Thereafter the tea is laid out on bamboo boards for cooling, hand-rolled, and finally in a two-staged process gently roasted to remove the remaining moisture in the leaves. For the best possible taste, the local huangshan big leaf cultivar that is known for its especially potent aroma and high nutritional content is used.