Teacup Shigaraki
Kumidashi Pair

Hozan Tanii

A pair of Hozan Tanii Kumidashi teacups coated in his signature Hyosetsu Haku and Sekichūka glazes. Handcrafted at his workshop in Shigaraki – one of the legendary Six Ancient Kilns of Japan – Hozan blends tradition with modernity and is considered one of the great innovators of Shigaraki-yaki today.

€161.82 €179.80

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Teacup Kumidashi Shigaraki Hozan Tanii Sekichuka

Evoking cherry blossoms peeking out of the snow after a cold winter, this elegant Kumidashi teacup is coated in a thick white Sekichūka (雪中華 "bloom in the snow") glaze with a spot of red, handcrafted by the great Shigaraki-yaki innovator, Hozan Tanii. Perfect for all kinds of Japanese tea.

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Teacup Kumidashi Shigaraki Hozan Tanii Hyosetsu Haku II

Like cracks on a frozen lake, this larger Kumidashi teacup is coated in a Hyosetsu (氷雪) "ice and snow" white glaze concocted by the contemporary Shigaraki-yaki potter, Hozan Tanii. Enjoy the changing Keshiki "scenery" of this cup as it slowly absorbs tea in the crackles over time.

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