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Nepalese Highland Tea

Compared to more subtle varieties endemic to the region, Nepalese highland teas boast a distinctively, fruity flavour profile, making teas from Nepal highly sought-after by tea connoisseurs. Our teas are harvested in the two peak seasons – spring and autumn – and are sourced directly from the renowned Guranse Organic Estate in Hile, one of the most elevated tea gardens in the world, also known for its high level of social consciousness throughout the region.

Spring Flush

Fine Nepalese black teas from the first harvest of the year in April. From a rather robust SFTGFOP-1 spring flush with a very fruity and nutty profile to the highly aromatic Wild Orchid with a warm, floral bouquet to the most valuable and elegant Tips spring flush, with a multitude of pure leaf buds, you have the opportunity to experience the whole facet of Nepalese spring flushes.
  1. Premium 94 P.

    Hile, Dhankuta



    €119.00 / 1kg


    Ilam, Nepal



    €186.25 / 1kg

  3. Super Premium 96 P.

    Hile, Dhankuta



    €198.75 / 1kg

Autumn Flush

Highland teas from Nepal from the autumn harvest in September and October. With its full, malty-sweet, cognac-like aroma, the SFTGFOP-1 Autumn Flush is a perfect reflection of late-year highland teas, while the HR Floral is at times reminiscent of a fine oolong tea with its nutty, delicately mineral taste and golden colour.
  1. Premium 93 P.

    Hile, Dhankuta

    €13.41 €14.90


    €89.40 / 1kg

  2. Premium 94 P.

    Hile, Dhankuta



    €149.00 / 1kg
