Spring Wakocha
Ashikita Benifuuki P. Free

Highest Grade 100 P.

Well-balanced, floral and fruity Japanese black tea (wakocha) from the Benifuuki cultivar. A gourmet black tea from the spring harvest, with a creamy texture and full body combined with a delicate floral fragrance and peach notes. This award-winning tea (National Wakocha Contest) was cultivated and processed by an exceptional farmer in Ashikita, Kumamoto. 30g
Character Floral, peach, milky and creamy, stimulating, malty, full body, spring breeze
Tea Garden Family-run farm in the mountains of South Kumamoto
Origin Ashikita, Kumamoto
Harvest 1st flush (ichibancha), beginning of May 2024
Cultivar Benifuuki
Oxidation/Fermentation Withering (18h), rolling, full oxidation, final drying
Elevation 300m
Cultivation Cultivation without the use of chemical pesticides
Laboratory Tests Radioactivity (annual test of region) and pesticides

National Wakocha Contest (全国和紅茶コンテスト), jury prize

International Tea Academy Awards London 2022, Highly Recommended

Grade 100/100 p. (black tea category); Highest Grade


Note: We have newly graded this tea, the label may still show an old score.


Delivery : 1–3 business days

Incl. VAT, excl. shipping

€363.33 / 1kg
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Tea Farm

Toshihiro Kajihara's tea gardens are nestled in the remote, wooded and water-rich mountain valleys of Kumamoto, where the tea grows protected from harmful environmental influences in a picturesque, rugged landscape. Our farmer is the 3rd generation of his family to run the tea gardens and is dedicated to producing traditional kamairicha and high quality Japanese black and oolong teas. To deepen his knowledge of the cultivation of these teas, he set off to Taiwan and mainland China, where he learned traditional production techniques from experienced farmers. Since his return to Japan, he has endeavoured to apply and modify the know-how he learned to suit Japan's climate, cultivars and taste. In the meantime, Mr. Kajihara has made a name for himself as one of the luminaries in Wakocha production, which is reflected in prestigious prizes and awards, such as from the Japan-wide National Wakocha Contest, the Japan Tea Festival, and the International Tea Academy Awards 2022 in England. The tea is produced entirely without chemical pesticides and only using organic fertilisers such as compost or rice bran.



A classic and invigorating wakocha presenting a balanced bitterness and sweetness, delicately carried by the light toasted notes, peach aromas and floral tones reminiscent of a warm spring breeze. The tea has a full body with a creamy texture and is pleasantly stimulating. An intense but very balanced tea ideally suited for those getting to know wakocha.


Uncut needles, fine white tips


Clear, reddish orange


National Wakocha Contest (全国和紅茶コンテスト), Jury Prize
Best Prize in the International Tea Academy Awards London 2022 for the Farmer

Wakocha 和紅茶

Wakocha (和紅茶) is the name given to black teas from Japan. Despite being an important commodity until the second half of the 20th century, increasing competition from India and China meant that black tea in Japan was relegated to a shadowy existence for a long time, with a return to this heritage only taking place in the last two decades. Despite its distinctive character, wakocha usually has a mild taste for black tea, with fruity and floral notes and a pleasant honey sweetness, which is why they are often drunk without milk or sugar. In addition to Shizuoka Prefecture, a lot of very high-quality wakocha is produced on the main southern island of Kyushu.

Laboratory Tests

We go to great lengths to identify the finest organic tea farms across the world’s most celebrated terroirs. All our teas are sourced directly from the farmer and, with a few exceptions, are certified organic or come from pesticide-free farms. Each batch of tea for every harvest is tested for pesticides and other pollutants in an independent German lab to ensure they meet our strict quality standards as well as HACCP food safety requirements. Likewise, the regions of Japan from which we source our teas are tested for radioactivity for every harvest.

Yoshi En

Premium Organic Teas

Our comprehensive portfolio focuses on organic, single-origin teas sourced directly from renowned farms. We believe in creating partnerships with farmers who share our values and are committed to sustainable, responsible tea cultivation. Thanks to these strong relationships our exciting range is constantly growing and evolving. As an international team of dedicated and passionate tea experts, we are committed to preserving centuries-old tea culture while ensuring it remains relevant and continues to bring joy in the present. About Yoshi En.

Cultivation & Processing

Despite its inland location, the tea farm is only a few kilometres away from Yatsushiro Sea. The semi-enclosed sea, teaming with fish, also provides the region with a very dense fog, which acts as natural shade from the sun and contributes to the suppleness of the tea leaves and their soft taste. The surrounding mountain forests of South Kumamoto are criss-crossed with rivers, romantic waterfalls and natural rock caves, which provide the fresh water that is so important for tea cultivation. Due to the mountainous location of the plantations, only small, hand-operated machines can be used for harvesting — especially since the tea fields are of a much smaller size than usual for conventional farms in the lowlands. Producing this tea requires the farmer to continuously monitor the harvested leaves, keeping a close eye on factors such as humidity, temperature and weather during the wilting, oxidation and drying procedures. Through his passion and years of experience in tea cultivation, he has succeeded in gradually rising to fame, winning awards at both regional and national competitions. His wakocha teas have achieved international praise and are highly appreciated by connoisseurs abroad. While his teas stand out for their great taste, his cultivation methods stand out, too, as he does not use any plant protection products; only organic fertilisers.

A special feature of this tea is the long leaf needles resulting from the farmer's special processing, which follows the traditional techniques he learned during his advanced training in Taiwan. While tea leaves are normally cut, these leaves are left intact, resulting in long, elegant needles. The Benifuuki cultivar was only registered in Japan in 1993, making it relatively young. A cross between Assamica and Sinensis, this cultivar is used both for green tea, known for its methylated catechins, and for oxidised teas, whereby the black tea is characterised by a mildness and sweetness peculiar to wakocha.

Single Origin

This tea is sourced exclusively from the above mentioned tea farm in Ashikita.


Brewing Guide

2 heaped tsp. per 200–300ml (90–95°C) water. Steep for 2–3 minutes.


High quality, airtight, resealable standing zipper pouch with 9 protective layers to preserve flavour and protect against oxidation and contamination.

Recommended Teapot

For a particularly aromatic preparation, we recommend using a teapot made of red natural clay. In our tasting, a red Tokoname kyusu brought out the fine aromas best. Alternatively, prepare the tea in a tall glass teapot with an integrated strainer, in which the tea can float and steep freely.

Recommended Storage

A high-quality tea caddy made of cherry bark (solid wood, kabazaiku chazutsu) is ideal. Alternatively, a cheaper, internally coated, airtight tea caddy can suffice.

Test results

We find it very important that our teas are pure and produced in a way that respects the environment. For this reason, each one of our teas is tested for pesticide residues by an independent laboratory, the results of which can be found here. Some of our teas are also tested for specific nutritional compounds, in which case the test results are also published here.

See tests

Our recommendations

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