Balance for Her
Traditional Chinese Tea

Highest Grade

Hearty and tasty herbal tea blend with Chinese oolong tea, goji berry, ginseng, red date, jasmine blossom, ginger and other high-quality ingredients. The premium, handpicked ingredients are selected according to tried and tested Chinese recipes.
  • Finely tuned mixture based on traditional Chinese recipes
  • Handpicked herbs from small, regional farms
  • Rich in valuable plant and bitter substances from herbs, blossoms and roots
  • Cultivation without artificial fertilisers and pesticides
Character Hearty, spicy, slightly sour, ginger hot
Ingredients Oolong Tea, Goji berries (10%), Red date (5%), Jasmine blossom (5%), Ginger, Magnolia berry (Schisandra), Japanese Rose petals.
Cultivation Cultivated without artificial fertiliser or pesticides

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€189.00 / 1kg
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Hearty and palatable, this special blend is reminiscent of a warming Chinese vegetable broth that is brought to life by the spiciness of ginger, ginseng and shisandra.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea (from the Chinese for "black snake") has a degree of oxidation between that of green and black teas, which is why it is often known as a semi-oxidised tea. Oolong can roughly be categorised into lightly (10-29%), medium (30-60%), and heavily (up to 70%) oxidised varieties. After oxidation, oolong leaves are roasted, which lends the tea a special character. The wide range of production possibilities means that oolong teas are incredibly diverse. The best terroirs for oolong are generally considered to be in Taiwan and southern regions of China in and around the province of Fujian.

Laboratory Tests

We go to great lengths to identify the finest organic tea farms across the world’s most celebrated terroirs. All our teas are sourced directly from the farmer and, with a few exceptions, are certified organic or come from pesticide-free farms. Each batch of tea for every harvest is tested for pesticides and other pollutants in an independent German lab to ensure they meet our strict quality standards as well as HACCP food safety requirements.

Yoshi En

Premium Organic Teas

Our comprehensive portfolio focuses on organic, single-origin teas sourced directly from renowned farms. We believe in creating partnerships with farmers who share our values and are committed to sustainable, responsible tea cultivation. Thanks to these strong relationships our exciting range is constantly growing and evolving. As an international team of dedicated and passionate tea experts, we are committed to preserving centuries-old tea culture while ensuring it remains relevant and continues to bring joy in the present. About Yoshi En.


Goji Berries

Lycium barbarum (枸杞) or the common boxthorn, bears the fruit of the goji berry. Its homeland is believed to be somewhere between Southeast Europe and China. Cultivation began in China more than 3000 years ago, and the berry can be found in the "Classic Book of Chinese Herbs" from this time. The goji berry itself is a true all-rounder and has quickly joined the ranks of superfoods.


Red or Panax ginseng (人蔘) originates from Northeast China and Korea, where the plant's roots have been used for centuries. The mature roots contain a particularly large number of saponins, specifically ginsenosides, and in traditional Chinese medicine are considered a tonic, which is why they are often referred to as a "power root". Due to the global popularity of genuine Panax ginseng, it is almost extinct in the wild and primarily exists as a cultivated plant. After harvesting, the roots of Panax are treated with steam to preserve the valuable ingredients. In the process, the root turns red and becomes more resistant, and other active substances are produced, such as maltol.

Red Date

Ziziphus jujuba (紅棗) known as red date or jujube in English, is native to the mountains, growing at altitudes of up to 1700m. From China the red date spread quickly through human hands to Korea and Japan, before beginning its journey to Asia Minor and Southeast Europe on the old trade routes. Today it can also be found growing in Sudan, Brazil and the southern USA. This fruit was mentioned in the Shennong writings as far back as 300 BC, and has been included in European herbal books since the 16th century.

Jasmine Blossom

The Jasmine (Jasminum officinale L., 茉莉花 ) plant originates from the Himalayas in Kashmir and southwest China and thrives at altitudes of up to 4000m. Jasmine blossoms have been used for thousands of years for their sweet fragrance.


Comprising approximately 60 species, real ginger belongs to the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). Its probable origins are estimated to be the regions of India and Sri Lanka, but it is now widely cultivated in many subtropical and tropical regions. The plant can reach heights of 50–100cm and features thick stems and long, reed-like leaves. The flower shaft emerges from the aromatic root and grows up to 25cm long, bearing reddish-yellow to dark purple petals.


Schisandra is a type of liana plant from the star anise family. The small, reddish berries of the plant, also known as magnolia berries, have been used in East Asia for over 2000 years. The dried fruits have a unique taste that encompasses all five flavour elements: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy – hence their name wu wei zi in Chinese, where "wu" means five.

Japanese Rose

Rosa rugosa (玫瑰花) or Japanese rose, is a hardy rose with a very delicate scent that spread to Japan and eastern Russia from China, where it originates. Our roses are cultivated as a hedge shrub but they can be found growing everywhere in the wild. While this type of rose was already known and used in China 3000 years ago, it was only mentioned in western writings in 1784.


Brewing Guide

Pour 300ml boiling water (100°C) over 2 tsp of tea (5g) and infuse for 3-5 minutes. Enjoy 3 times daily.

Shake well before each brew to thoroughly and evenly mix the herbs.


100% biodegradable and compostable (starch, cellulose, paper)

Recommended Teapot

The ideal teapot for herbal tea is a large glass or porcelain teapot with a strainer.

Test results

We find it very important that our teas are pure and produced in a way that respects the environment. For this reason, each one of our teas is tested for pesticide residues by an independent laboratory, the results of which can be found here. Some of our teas are also tested for specific nutritional compounds, in which case the test results are also published here.

See tests

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